Sunday, January 3, 2010


  Megan started getting sick with me but soon got better. Last night Annie started throwing up and had diarrhea just shortly after I did.

  We awoke today to a 66 degree house! We had a new heat pump put in 1 1/2 years ago and already it stays torn up. We got hold of a Brooks man Charlie recommended that is coming in the morning.  Denise has kept a fire going which has been our only source of heat.  

I've kept a fever of 101 today, not sure what that is coming from. I had Denise call radiation dept and tell then I wouldn't be in tomorrow. I don't think I have the energy but even more importantly, many there are doing Chemo and don't need this.

It's 3:01 and I'm still awake. I guess all that sleep in the last 2 days has amounted up. My saliva is still super consolidated, almost most like a paste. Dehydration? I'm still cramping and weak. Annie said hers had passed but she is still cramping and her muscles ache. I've checked and placed more wood in the wood stove twice now in order to keep the temperature up. My fever has went down the last 2 checks. So far I have kept down 2 Ensures and 2 Gatorades and I have no idea how much water. While this stuff is bad, it doesn't hold a candle to Chemo sickness. Went into the Kitchen to get some ice cream and Annie came walking in, so she is still up too. This end of the house ain't warm but warmer than last night when I put a toboggan on and fully dressed.