Monday, March 1, 2010


  Charlie invited me to go to Yoder's Market to get some food this morning. Most of what they have is good Amish products. After that we went to Office Max where I bought my chair for the computer. I've stalked this chair waiting for the sale price. We went to Western Auto and Sears and the to Auto Zone. I got some stuff I needed, plus some I wanted.

  I ended up talking a nap, lol, something I have never done until now. I got some mints and forgot until today just how careful to be. I couldn't get the wrapper so I took my knife and cut it along with my finger pretty deep. Lucky for pain. I didn't even realize I had cut it until I saw all the blood. I guess Neuropathy has its benefits and drawbacks, lol.

  I actually had to push the box up the sidewalk and steps, through the house. At one time, I could have carried this and more in one hand. Now that is kind of depressing. I have soooo far to go for strength. But I got it done. So I'm typing from my new chair tonight. I managed to semi water the plants in the Sunroom, the Banana Plants have had it rough and I actually lost one, my first loss. The Lemon Tree is also a bit for wear as well as the Palm Trees.

  Tonight, despite the medicine for the Neuropathy, my feet are hurting. I'm not sure I understand this yet. Extremely painful. I would take a pain pill but they have no effect on the pain, so it is useless to take them. It is unusually heavy tonight and my fingers don't want to type.

    Tomorrow I will try for my longest solo drive, provided the weather complies. I need to begin to push myself...if that is possible.

  I spoke with a friend who has suffered this for a long time from Neuropathy. God bless her, she is always optimistic. She is such a great lady who has had way more than most, but remains so pleasant, helpful, and kind. She is one of the strongest people I have even known and one of the nicest. I am so fortunate to have her as a friend, one of my best friends, Sally. We share the same Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma except she has had it longer and fought it harder than I have.

  Well, It's bedtime if my feet back off.