Tuesday, October 25, 2011


  The X-Ray came back and it doesn't show any fractures. C5 & 6 are bad, but that I already knew. We're giving it 2 weeks to see if my fingers heal up, he is worried about the ringer finger healing worse than the rest. The X-Ray is labeled Concussion, not sure what that is about. Kim, I give you permission to my records if you want to see them. I'll also come to you as my doctor if you ever go on your own and will take me.

 I called Covenant Health Care's "Quality Control" and it was just as good as their ER services. Me and Denise now have an understanding. Do take me to that place again. It's kind of like a cliff hanger though. Did the doctor get the girl? Did she buy the stockings he approved of? Perhaps we'll never know.

  Dr Schindler offer pain pills yesterday which is unusual for him to do, but I turned them down. So today Denise said to mention Muscle Relaxers, maybe they would help. I got them and took one on my way home, thank God I was close. I ain't felt like that since the 70s, lol. I haven't decided if I'll do another at bedtime yet, but if I do I think I'll cut that thing in 1/2. I was all stretched out in the recliner actually watching TV. Man those things are strong.