Thursday, January 28, 2010


Slept on and off last night but finally stayed up at 7am. I drove to Hardees and got a sausage, egg, cheese biscuit, then stopped by the office to set mom's Garmin. Browsed around on the web, and Ebay.

  I'm broke out again on my legs, ankles, and arms... 2 days now. What's changed. Sipped Mt Dew last two days, changed underarm deodorant, starting taking a multi-vitamin liquid. It has to be one of the three I'm thinking.

  I'm having a hard time getting the pain patch to stay on. We taped it to my arm.  I can't wait for these things to come off.

I walked today around outside and up to mom's. Slowly I am getting more steady on my feet and winded.

We've kept lotion on my neck using the Radiation Cream and Blue-Emu oil. The lesions are seemly healing overnight... well, fast anyway.

  Today has been a good day for a change, maybe it's turning around. I will wait due to weather until either Monday or Tuesday before heading back to the Chemo Hut.