Thursday, May 28, 2015


     I apologize for not responding back when someone posts on here. A good friend called me yesterday, it was nice to hear from her, to check on me. She said her and David had wondered if I was ok since I hadn't responded back. It is nice that I have friends who care and were worried. It was also nice to hear from her and how she and her family are doing. I have this set up to where it is suppose to email me when comments are left and for whatever reason it has stopped doing that. I did notice that it restarted finally, a little late notifying me with Lori's comment, but maybe whatever the host's problem was is fixed. Every now and then I would check but I must have picked the ones where nobody had commented. I assumed that nobody was reading or had anything to say. I apologize for not looking a bit harder.

          I'm not sure if I put that the second test showed the combination of the Arthritis medicine and Prednisone were what stripped my Platelets or not. I put off the second test, caught a bug then caught laziness. They wanted me to stop the medicine and take pain medicine but I cut it in half instead. I bought a cheap TENS Unit off Ebay and use that to ease the pain. I remember having them do those treatments in Physical Therapy when I was at UPS, seems I was tearing or stressing something out the last few years, shoulders, elbow, ankles, knees. It actually works, even with the cheaper one I bought. It is not a miracle and don't stop all pain but it does enough. It is not evasive, addictive, and to my knowledge has no side effects. I got a new one in a couple of weeks ago that has reusable electrode pads, or at least I'm reusing them. Megan twisted an ankle and it helped her heal faster.

   Megan has a boyfriend! Yep, our baby is growing up. He is a nice boy, well I guess young man, big dude, 6'4". He graduated TSD (Tennessee School for the Deaf) but he is like Megan, actually seems to have more hearing that she does. I watched them and they talk sign language when they don't want us to know what they're saying, lol. Denise don't know sign language but I know some, how me and Megan converse when at the beach or in a crowd. I turn my head though, I don't want to ease drop. He probably don't know I know and she is a bit excited and maybe forgets I know, or maybe she knows I will stand to the side and give them some privacy. The hardest thing about being a parent is watching your kids grow up and have a life that you are not the center of. Megan is my work buddy too, so now I am alone, yet I am happy that should something happen to me and Denise, she will not be alone. Basically it is hard to share your kids, but part perhaps one of the circles in life where a parent has to love their children more than themselves, enough to let go. All three girls now have someone, all three are different and all three are good. I see a lot of Megan in this boy named Greg. There is a connection there between them and should it not work out I feel they will be friends either way. He is quite impressive so far. Megan use to say she is fat or ugly, or different. The only one of those that were true is the different part. I told her to the right person you will be perfect and to the wrong person you will never be enough. There is a right person out there, they just haven't surfaced yet. It is good to see her so happy and know that should that day come, all three girls will not be alone.