We went again to the Chemo Hut and got 2 more bags installed, lol. Also got my prescription of Lorazapan refilled. It took quite a while to do and while it is helping I still look and feel like I need several more to get back caught up.
We ended up beside a guy and his wife (breast cancer) and I kept looking at him. Finally I said I thought I knew him, turns out I did. 15 years ago I delivered to where he worked at 600 Sulpher Springs Road. Small world. Didn't remember his name but I never forget a face. We chatted on and off all day long, the times I was awake. This was her second dose of Chemo and so far she has been hospitalized twice. Once for her port which she no longer has and once for dehydration. They've had a rough go at it so far. I'd like to go back Friday but with the coming weather I'll shoot for next week.
I'm broke out tonight from something, but not sure what. Been a bit sleepy all day and draggy. Maybe from staying up coughing all night last night. More Oregano came up in my saliva and I still taste and feel more left. Tomorrow I sleep late. Tonight was change patch time again. I can't wait until I can get off these patches.
Lots of sneezing going on. Denise dressed my neck tonight and the three lesions in my neck are healing up. maybe this means that the effects of last weeks radiation is wearing off. I tested Mt Dew last night unsuccessfully and tonight with a little more success. That will be a definite test of how it's going, of course I will need to use fresh.
This morning I used 15 mg of Morphine prior to eating breakfast but tonight I used nothing for supper. A bit more painful than with, but not all that much painful. I'm not about to say turning the corner yet, last time I done that I jinxed myself, lol.
The thoughts and worries of did they get the cancer in the lymph node out still hunts me. Perhaps as I feel better I will not worry as much.