Me and Denise went for the follow up with Dr Rathfoot today. He wants me back this time in 6 weeks. I was right about what I was feeling, it is extremely swollen inside. The left side more so than the right side where the tumor was. Therein would be the key word...was. The swelling, as I understood it is from the radiation mostly. He also said that I had gotten a cold and that I had developed an infection in my lymph glands.
I came home with a steroid, an antibiotic, anti-fungal, and a pill to help with my neuropathy, Gabapentin. Now this is what i wanted when I called at Panella's office and instead got Loratabs. I know that it will probably take some time for them to work but at least I'm getting started on dealing with this. Hopefully this neuropathy will not last long but if it does I now have something for it. Denise gave me another injection of B-12 last night and it seems to have helped with the hands and face for a while.
He asked if I had done a scan since my Chemo and Radiation is over which I told him I haven't. Then he said the same thing as Panella. If we do the scan too early it could show a false positive. He looked in my throat for a long while today. I'm getting it down when to breathe, swallow, and make a weird noise to allow an easier passage through my nose into my throat. He even had me hold my nose and blow to open up the throat. He sat down with a drawing and showed us what he was talking about. I tell you, finding this man was a blessing.
Tomorrow we go to Panella's office for a check up and blood work.