Pretty event less day. Beautiful snow. I woke up at 4am, went back to bed and got back up at 7am, went back again to bed and slept until 11:30am. I still stay fatigued a lot. I still have the numbness in my hands and feet but that ain't too bad. The breaking out seems to slowly reverting back and healing. I'm guessing and thinking that kimber is correct on the vitamins.
These nervous episodes and muscle spasms and jerks peaked out today and out of 4 attacks, I ended up 3 times taking the Lorazapan. One I just rode out to see where it went. No physical pain is involved in these.
The outside of my throat is just dark now, no lesions left open. Denise says it looks as though I will have no scars. The inside however is still sore not not like it was. Swallowing is still an effort but it gets a little easier each day. When I take a sip of liquid I use two swallows then prepare for residue to go the wrong way and cough it up.
I actually ate a whole breakfast this morning... sorta. I did eat a whole Hardees Portibello Mushroom Melt burger and about 5 fries! I ate a piece of birthday cake, nobody's birthday, I bought a small one on our cookie raid a few days ago, lol. I get these cravings for something sweet which is unusual.
There are times when my mid throat gets dry, not dry enough to crack open like it was, but too dry to swallow anything. My saliva glands are working in my mouth but maybe they aren't up to what they should be yet. I still carry a water with me for the dry episodes. Right now I'm drinking Pedalite and it really isn't that bad. Kind of like weak lemonade. I have one flavored but I think it is fruit flavor so that one scares me. I tested again today, this time with Coke. Still not able to tolerate carbonated beverages. Actually... that is a good thing.
I ventured outside a few times today, never for very long. I can't wait until spring gets here and maybe I can go outside more and build back my strength. It gets a little embarrassing having toget your kids to open your drinks, lol.
I'm still keeping two Humidifiers running. I think they make a difference. All in all... another good day. Hopefully this trend will continue.