Happy Easter, what a beautiful day today. We didn't go to church this morning, I slept in. I don't remember many times being that tired and tonight is almost matching yesterday. I woke up in pain but went right back out, Denise said she tried to wake me with no success. Today has been a less painful day. The neuropathy let up a little and the throat, though feeling hot, didn't hurt enough to take anything. Days like today bring my hopes up.
My balance has improve a bit but lacks a lot yet. The last 2-3 days have proven to be pretty hard to keep balanced and pretty painful . After we ate at mom's I came back home, I finished painting the 2 wrought iron towers she gave us last year plus the iron arbor, ran out and primed Big Ugly black. I still lack a little. It has bugged me wondering if I could ride again, so I finally figured what the heck. I backed the bike out and I rode! I really needed to know that I could. It will take some extra effort and focus but I rode it to town and it has lifted my hopes. Denise panicked a bit but knew I wouldn't listen. If if fell I knew it would crush me but stopping and starting is the only way that should happen. I used the same method as I walk, a stomping method, feeling the vibration in my legs. I did notice that the pain increases which turns out to be a blessing when riding. The new fridge comes tomorrow but the first pretty day they can get to it I'll take it to the Harley Shop and get the wheels balanced or at least checked and a tune up.
Tonight the extreme fatigue is back though but even still, I am excited at the progress. Happy Easter...