Friday, December 18, 2009

Dec 18th, - Another Day

  Rough night last night. I mouth breathed and Denise would wake me up so I could stop, but it still done damage. I spit up blood on and off again. My O2 stats were low again so I wore Oxygen all night and suppose to have it on now. I kept a low grade temperature all night and took Tylenol.

  I'm getting worried, acid reflux is a big no-no. It's almost 9:30 and we've asked a few times... still no meds. But they don't want me bringing my own? Luckily I don't need my blood pressure meds, my blood pressure has stayed low, not sure what that is a sign of. Couldn't eat this morning, too sore, but the food looked good.

Called yet again for my acid reflux meds... still nothing. I sent Denise after some over the counter ones. She was afraid they would kick me out but hey, making me worse off isn't helping. She thought the same thing when I stopped the radiation, now they are glad I did.

   The nurses last night... on th spot. So much differnt than today's, save one. 

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