Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sunday 20th Part 1

  Oh what a night, It's 2:30am and I awake once again tonight in pain. I mouth breathe in my sleep. I had some more Morphine at 12:30, and it did work, but only so much. I ended up giving in and using the Linocaine to numb... but it, like the pain meds, only go so far. At least I have web and TV. At home I seldom watch TV, but in this small penthouse suite (lol), funny what one will do.

  We do have an humidifier running now. I don't have any of the junk food here I have at home though. I need to go home.
  Will Add More Later 


KimberFNP said...

Sorry to hear you are still in the hospital. I love the part where you put the shoes and jacket on and go to the nurses station, I bet that got their attention, at least it should. I know nurses are busy, been there, done that. But if they would work as a team and not be too lazy to check on "someone else's patient," everyone would get taken care of in a timely manner.And waiting 4 hours for pain meds is unacceptable. I had a guy this week tell me he waited all night for something and noone had called me for an order by late the next day when I saw him. Again, unacceptable. Keep blogging and don't be afraid to blog about the delays, I want to point some nurses to your blog so they can see the problem from your perspective. Hang in there. Praying for you.

anthony7 said...

Thank you. They were a bit more attentive, lol. The one that actually helped me that night was a lady that had helped me earlier, such a jolly lady. She was just helping out the first time she was in our room and was walking down the hall when she saw me standing at the nurse's station. There were quite a few at the station. She called out to me walking towards me and stopped my machine from beeping. I told her what was going on and she told me to go back to my room and she would take care of it. I wish I remembered her name. Within 10 minutes she came back to my room with my meds. This lady with her her personality and mannerisms I think could make the dead smile.

It wasn't her place to yet she did and by the time she left the room she had us all smiling. I don't know what she makes per hour, but whatever it is, she is underpaid. She works hard yet she brightens the room she enters. God definitely called the lady to do what she is doing.

There are far more good than bad that I have seen in this so far. If this lady ever reads the blog, and she is the one who reads the same books as my wife and knows some author. I pray she knows that she meant the world to Denise and myself that night.

I wrote the sentence backwards so i had to rewrite it.