Thursday, February 24, 2011


Woke up tired this morning, well, yesterday morning now. Denise said she had to do whatever that is she does a few times last night. I know once I remember he waking me up. I'm still sluggish from whatever that was Tuesday night when I woke up with intense pain in my stomach that went through my back. Disoriented and completely uncoordinated, thinking I needed to head to the bathroom to throw up. I was sweating quite a lot, pretty much soaked. I haven't felt pain that intense since the night I had the heart attack or the times when they would first start the chemo and when my body rejected it.

  Misty called and we met at Food City and got breakfast and took it to mom's and ate. That was nice. I enjoyed that a lot and I think everybody else did too. Fed the cows and just goofed off.

  Tonight my throat is a bit tighter than usual. Breathing is a bit more labored. I really don't want to go to sleep and maybe Denise can catch a good night's sleep for a change, but that don't seem likely. I know she is tired.  


David said...

Did you sleep ok, Anthony? How is the breathing?

Anonymous said...

This is my first time writing on a blog but I just had to. I watched your story tonight on "I Survived Beyond and Back" and I was so moved by your openness and laughter throughout your ordeal. I was very happy to hear your happy ending, until it was revealed that you have cancer. That was very sad to hear after all you have been through but God is with you and one can see that in your smile. The smile that you said you always want to have. God Bless You and your Wife. You will be in my prayers.
From California

anthony7 said...

Hi David, so far no change. I will have to call and see what comes next. I dread it. Thank you so much for asking. God Bless, Anthony

Kandace, Thank you so much for the kind words and especially the prayers. So far God has allowed me to keeping smiling, nothing like a good grin, lol. More importantly He has allowed me to keep others smiling and laughing with my weird sense of humor. Denise is a good woman, she deserves so much better than I or this. I still get her cracked up a lot, through thick and thick. I would not make it without her. God Bless and Keep you, Anthony