Tuesday, September 11, 2012


  Still down again tonight. This is the 2nd night in a row I've had to use Nitro, I hate that stuff, leaves a horrible taste. I think it's the yeast in my throat reducing the intake of O2 so I've sat and poked on the web the last 2 or 3 hours with the O2 hooked up. Then again I've gotten pretty heavy lately so who knows. Shortness of breath, fatigue, and chest pain... I've seen two of the three years ago which led to all three. God willing this January 31st will make 7 years since my heart attack. I think too the seasons changing and lack of rest. When I stop I hurt so I don't sleep well. Still with the bronchial infection too and today I mowed a very little around one of the gardens, briefly considering mowing the yard at Misty's old home.

  On the positive note tonight was the 2nd Gluten Free meal we ate. Denise is well ahead of me on the curve, which is nothing unusual. I research and collect data, and dread making bread, afraid I'll mess it up. Brandon's new doctor put him on a strict diet of no MSG or Gluten to help with his Autism. There are other things restricted too but these two I know some on. I've almost taught Denise how to read the labels on food, I'm the idiot reading the labels on everything. It's amazing though how good food tastes without all the wheat products in them, including Gluten. We had Chicken Alfredo last night and usually I don't eat all the pasta, and what I do I eat again and again plus bloat. I ate too much and for the first time had too much cheese on it. The pasta had great flavor without it coming a blizzard of cheese. Not as much blood in the stools either. Tonight, Meatloaf and our Peanut Beans, usually meatloaf does me like that too.

  If I could stay on that diet, get over this respiratory infection, and now eye, I'd feel better. The weight thing would take care of itself. Denise has lost 10 lbs in a couple of weeks cutting back on Gluten, and eats the same amount. Unbelievable. Probably wouldn't hurt to cut back or drop the Mt Dews, I think I have the mountain part now, lol. The eye, if it don't clear up soon I'll made some Colloidal Silver and put a drop or two in it. Works like a charm every time. The hardest part will be finding my silver wires and junk to hook up and make it. Push come to shove just the silver, a 9 volt battery and two clip leads.     


Melissa said...

Hey Anthony,

The cookbook, "Well Fed" is completely gluten-free, I think. Some of the recipes sound like they'd be weird, but I've yet to make something out of it that didn't taste terrific. It's on Amazon. The recipes are for Paleo living, sometimes called the Caveman or Primal diet. Here's a link on Paleo vs. Gluten Free -- most things Gluten Free ARE Paleo:

Show it to your wife, if you're not into reading about it. :) Another great cookbook is "Primal Blueprint Quick and Easy Meals", also on Amazon. Good stuff.

David said...

Hi Anthony,

I hate the be the bearer of bad news but do you remember Janet? The beautiful girl who you posted about a few months ago? She passed away today or yesterday.


I still can't believe it, honestly. I thought she was doing so well. It doesn't say what happened, but I hope you will keep her in your prayers.

This is a rough one to take and I didn't even know her.

anthony7 said...

Hey Melissa, thank you for the link. Tonight was meal 3 and so far it's been great, better than the "regular" versions with wheat. We've yet to eat anything that taste bad, then again, Denise has done the cooking so far, lol. I'll probably change that and mess up the first time or two. Got another book in called Dangerous Grains, got it from Amazon. I'll show Denise this link too, she has been looking through all kinds of recipes. I can see those wheels turning in her head. She is a good cook.

anthony7 said...

David, I wanted to put this response on separate. May God welcome her into His kingdom. This is indeed hard news, Janet fought so hard and so well. Like you I never met her but she struck a chord with I'd imagine almost anyone who watched her. It takes people down fast when it comes back usually, or that has been what I've seen first hand in my family. What I read on a Lymphoma Board occasionally that I read each night. I tell you truly, there has to be a better way than what they offer.

Cancer may have won but it didn't beat that young lady. May God welcome her home where she won't hurt or fear anymore.

Melissa said...

"Dangerous Grains"...I'll have to look that one up. Good for you and Denise for working together on the food maze. It can be tough, especially when one isn't on board.

Please accept my condolences on your and David's friend, Janet.