Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I Survived...Beyond and Back - update

I got an update with the date it will air on and a lot of people had asked when it comes on. Below is a copy that I got today from Lauren. I tell you, this has been a nice company to have the honor of working with.

“Dear Anthony,
Thank you for sharing your story for our series "I Survived...Beyond and Back." Your episode will premiere on BIO on Sunday, January 9 at 10 PM ET/9PM CT/8PM MT/7PM PT. Please check your local listings and at www.bio.com as there are often last minute scheduling changes that are out of our control. Often people ask where BIO is in their area, and my suggestion is to check on http://www.tvguide.com/Listings/ where you can input your zip code and your cable provider.

"I Survived... Beyond and Back” is a follow up series to “I Survived…,” which is in its 6th season and also airs on BIO Channel. Some of our survivors from “I Survived…” have been featured on local and national television, radio, print and the web, so please let us know if you are amenable to press opportunities. We will be doing local press outreach in your market. If there is a specific paper, local television or radio station or outlet you would like us to reach out to about the premiere of your episodes, please let us know. If you've done press in the past related to your story, please also let us know and we will follow up with that reporter/outlet to see if they are interested in catching up with you and helping to promote your episode's airing.

I cannot make any promises but if you have a website or a book or something related to your story of survival please pass that information along to us and we will do our best to ask our website if they can include something on our site.

At BIO we prove that the truth about people is always more entertaining than fiction, so thank you for sharing your true story with us and our viewers!



FastTadpole said...

Right on Hilly thanks for the update. Let me know about if you want to go ahead with a distro.

I'll be catching it on the stream in January since I killed my television.

Barbara Whitfield said...

I am going to be on the second show on Dec. 12th.

I did a lot of TV work in the 1980s when I was a psych researcher at the University of Connecticut Medical School looking at the after effects of the Near-Death Experience. From Larry King Live (twice), Donahue, Oprah, CNN Medical News and many more…

What I’m getting to here is that this interview, which lasted 4 and half hours was the best ever. Chris Kugelman et al was understanding and intelligent in his questions. His ability to bring out the most subtle details delighted me.

My experiences happened 35 years ago while suspended in a stryker frame circle bed and they are as clear to me now as though it was yesterday because I was in Eternity.

I thought I had remembered everything until Chris took me deeper and into more detail than I could have ever imagined and when we were through and I was in a cab going back to the airport — I realized that instead of being exhausted from being questioned for so long — I was totally energized — and delighted. I can’t wait to see this interview. And my thanks go to him and the other two wonderful men that ran the cameras.
Thank you Bio Channel!
Barbara Harris Whitfield

anthony7 said...

Thanks Jason. What is a distro? I still haven't forgot your garden. I have to get my seed book rounded up, and my head outta my butt, lol.

Barbara, Chris is excellent to work with. He also had me look and remember and think deeper. He and his crew were great. They are real people with big hearts. I am looking forward to seeing your interview as well and honored you read and wrote here.

April said...

Is it January yet ! ? ! Gosh, I can't wait! Thanks FastTadpole for posting the link to the stream. :)

Someone, somewhere... said...

I just saw your story, Anthony, and it was amazing. I guarantee that, and your blog, are helping people in some way.

My best...

David Reynolds

Anonymous said...

Hello Anthony,

Thank you for your story and I hope your doing good. Your story has inspired me to be a better man, husband, and father. I myself a close to death experience several times however I never seen the light or reach so called death but watching the show, I'm almost not scared of death.

Thank you for your story.

Los Angeles

anthony7 said...

Thank you David & Raymond. I hope the blog and my story helps others. Before, I spent my life waiting for some big event, some big something to happen. If I can help just one person, then my life was a life worth living. The biggest event one could ever ask for. The day I die again will be a good day to die, but until that day comes, it is a good day to live and enjoy the blessing we are given.

FastTadpole said...

Clarification on my earlier post -- this is a spin-off of "I Survived" called "I Survived .. Beyond and Back".

I managed to find an online preview clip and am anticipating seeing the full episode once it gets streamed on the I Survived .. Beyond and Back video player.

Anthony is prominent in the 2 minute preview - you can't miss Anthony, his bright eyes, scruffy beard and his honest heartfelt words.

You might be able to find it re-aired if you check the schedule and it seems someone has taken on the I Survived .. Beyond and Back project in converting to bitTorrent so we'll see it propagated throughout the internet soon enough. ;)

Here's the Synopsis
A woman, who has drowned in her own blood after a car accident, finds herself in the presence of God. A pest control salesman, electrocuted by a 110 volt wire, miraculously survives the massive jolt. And a heart attack victim lives to tell of his experience in the afterlife. All three people's lives are changed forever.

.. and the next few airing are as follows:

Monday January 10 2e (AM)/1c
Sunday January 16 11e/10c
Monday January 17 3e (AM)/2c
Sunday January 23 6e/5c
Friday January 28 12e/11c (AM)
Friday January 28 6e/5c

Thanks Hilly7. Your life has and is a gift not only to you and your family but to all of us that you've touched.

Rachel S said...

I loved your story! It was the first time I have seen the show. I wanted to find your blog right away! Your story was very inspiring!! Wow, what an experience! I have never had a death experience like yours. However, I recently lost my Mother to cancer.
Many Blessings to you and your family!! We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers!!
Rachel :)

anthony7 said...

Thanks FastTadPole, and I could say the same thing for you as well. I can't tell you how much of a blessing you are to your family and friends, but the world. It is my honor to call you friend.

Rachel, Thank you for the kind words and prayers. I am sorry about your mother, but please know that she is happy and feeling better now than the best day anybody has ever had on earth. We lost my dad just about 2 weeks before the final interview. While I miss him a lot, I am so happy for him, sad for us, but happy for him. I'll keep you in my prayers. Anthony

Unknown said...

Hello, Anthony. I just feel compelled to thank you for having the courage to share your story...both on "I Survived: beyond and Back" and in your blog of challenges you face in your battle with cancer. I DVR'd the show and just watched. I, like others, had to find your blog right away. Once here, the first thing my eyes locked in on as I scrolled down, was a comment you made, "Before, I spent my life waiting for some big event, some big something to happen." I cannot tell you how much I needed to read those words...at this very moment. Everything happens for a reason. I'm a single mother and have raised my daughter alone. She is now 3 years old. There are days when I wonder if I am doing a good job....if I'm 'enough' for her. I, too, have found myself "waiting" at times, for some miraculous thing to happen. A sign that everything is going to be okay. I cannot say that I have anymore answers right now than I did before I saw that episode of ISB&B, but your words resonated with me and I feel more peace about where I am than I did before I read your blog. Thank you. I wish you love and light, positive energy and strength.

Terri Maguire said...

Dear Anthony, I just saw your I Survived...Beyond and Back episode. It was so good, and I so much enjoyed watching your segment. Thank you very, very much for sharing your experiences. I am so touched. I believe in my heart that we have a Heavenly Father who loves us more than we can ever know. I believe you experienced that wonderful love. I think you do also. I am so looking forward to reading your blog. I pray that you be comforted in your illness, and that you always have that wonderful smile on your face.

May God bless you and your family every single day!

Warmly, Mrs. Terri Maguire
from Genoa City, Wisconsin (near Milwaukee)

Melodybay said...


I loved your testimonial on the show, I Survived... Beyond and Back. It was honest and uplifting.
My 23 year old son died in October. It was the worst experience. I'm grateful for the show. It helps me so much.
I hope you're feeling ok, anad you're continuing to respond to chemo.


anthony7 said...

Hi sonjatarheel, That you for the kind words and positive thoughts. I raised my oldest for a while solo too. Then a few years later I met Denise. Misty is 31 now. I often wondered and still do at times if I was a good dad. The fact that you worry and wonder about being a good mom says that you are a good mom. I know it's hard, but from what you've written, I know too that you can and are doing a great job.

Hi Terri Maguire, thank you for the prayers and kind words. I think if ever I wanted to convey anything about the experience it would be love and forgiveness. I believe that He loves us and forgives us when we ask honestly, and in doing so expects us to do the same for others. I will have to say that I think I have now seen Hell on earth, but never for a minute have I had to walk it alone. It's getting easier little by little, but I still am never alone when I ask, and I ask a lot, lol.

Hi Melodybay, I am sorry for your loss, but please know that your son is in a perfect place with a perfect God. I know it still hurts though. This was our first birthday, Christmas, Thanksgiving without dad. I envy them though and while I miss dad I am glad where he is now he is made perfect. No pain or sorrows. Nothing that is bad or even no ok stuff, everything is great. I'll keep you in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anthony,
I saw you on Survival Beyond and Back.
there was a part where you said you didn't know why you came back to experience what your experiencing now.
Well I know personally that you came back to help me and the many others who want to know for sure that there is something beyond nothingness after we pass. To know that you had died but still had consciousness. When you said you couldn't catch your breath because you were dead..that you realized that after the fact. you give me hope, you give me validation. Everything happens for a reason..thank you so much your story brought tears to my eyes. I'm so happy for you and your family that you made it back. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

anthony7 said...

Hi Susan, Thank you for your prayers and for letting me know that it has helped you. That means a lot to me and I appreciate that you took the time to tell me. I am so amazed at the responses that have came in and humbled by the kind words. If just one person is helped then it has been a life well spent. Funny how God works. God Bless and Keep You and Yours, Anthony

Anonymous said...

Hi Anthony,
I never watch reality shows, never even watch Bio channel at all. I cannot tell you why I watched your show. I really have no recollection of putting it on. But I found myself watching it somehow none the less.
I am not what you call a religious person. Never go to church but I am a good person ( at least I think so).
I always try to do good for others no matter the price I have to pay. My husband brings it out in me. He is a big burley rough guy with a heart of a Teddy bear. Kind if like you. We couldn't have children and told ourselves "everything happens for a reason". We suddenly found out that my niece was in a foster home. Without missing a beat- my husband said "let's go get her!". We sold what we had, borrowed the rest- moved 1500 miles away in the dead of night. We had to take foster classes and pass background checks but 6 weeks later we got custody. 8 weeks after that we conceived our own child without any medical intervention. We finalized the adoption 3 years ago. Now we have 2 beautiful girls. We continue to do good every chance we can without being in "formal religion". We buy and donate toys for children stuck in foster homes every year just like our little girl was. My husband pulls over and helps every car stuck on the side if the road. We are always helping others.
I guess what I am asking is - ( since you have been there) in your opinion- was afterlife heaven as in the bible?
Do you feel that good people deserve to be there even if they don't conform to specific religious rules? I do belting in God. I lost my dad in 1999. I am constantly being reminded in very odd ways that he is in heaven.
Your opinions - what ever they are- would be greatly appreciated.
Please find peace, love and happiness in your current life.

anthony7 said...

Hi Veronica, Just my opinion, for whatever that's worth. My great grandmother alwasy said that religion will get you to Hell. :) So I'm not a religious person so to say. Having said that I do believe in the Bible and I think you have to accept Jesus as your Savior. I never seen Heaven, but I believe it is real. I questioned God at one time and He is real. I've slowly been reading the Bible more and more and the things I missed back then are astounding.

As far as good deeds go, personally I think that they count. I know may will disagree with that, but accepting Jesus without them to me says they haven't accepted Him. Faith is important yet even Satan has faith that God is God.

Honestly, you could count on you hands the times I've actually been to church in the last 10 years and still have plenty of fingers left. I do listen to some preachers though like Chip Ingram, David Jeremiah, and Chuck Swindoll, to name a few, on the radio and web. I even found a church locally that I want to start going to, it's just getting started. The right church, one that don't just go through the motions, is great. I've seen the most evilest people around change. You all would be an asset to one should you choose, you've already most of what I would call real Christians in things you do.

From what you've told me about you and your husband you are good people, far better than I. With the girls I would suggest, if I may, teaching them about God. From there they will have true freedom. IMHO, one can believe and worship God and Jesus without all the dogma attached. It will give them a good foundation and they will know they are always loved and created purposefully, even when you are no longer here with them one day. Either way, I'd say those girls are fortune to have you all as parents.

I truly believe that the Bible is accurate and describes Heaven as best as words can, and it still pales in comparison to what it is like being near God. I read of His greatness and love, heard about it on and off in my life, yet there is just no way to describe just how great He really is. Knowing that, I started back reading the Bible again, but this time, with a different perspective. I'm one who has to know who, why, when, where, what, I have to have details. So it takes me sometimes quite a while just to get a few verses read, researching words, names, places that I don't know.

Whatever you decide, I think you are exceptional people and wish the world had more like you all.

God Bless,

Anonymous said...

Dear Anthony & Denise,
You have truly brought tears to my eyes. I have told my husband about you, your experience and what U have just read about what you guys are going thru in the car today. We were on our way to the beach. We always spend alot of time together doing family things. My husband, as good as he is- sometimes questions himself. I feel he is an angle. But I think he doubts his future due to his past. He was a bit of a bad ass as a kid. He is truly not the same person. And it seems that I have to remind him of his goodness alot. That goes to show you what a naturally good souls he is. He doesn't do things to get praise. Just does them to help others. Quick story- a couple of years ago after he did his annual toy donation to the foster kids - I was looking for some stuff on Craigslist and I came across an ad from someone in need of a Christmas tree. The ad said that she was a mother if 5 children. Her husband lost his job. They wanted to k ow if anyone had an unused artificial tree in their attic that they could use. When I read this to my Joe- it brought tears to his eyes. He insisted I contact the woman. I did - and got her address. It was not in a very nice area. So Joe went out to a tree farm- bought a Christmas tree - tied it to the roof if our car and drove it there. Now Joe is no dummy- he did have his pistol in his jacket in case it was a set up. But he got to the home and knocked on the door. A man his own age answered and was completely shocked. It wasn't until then that the wife explained why my husband was there with a tree tied to the car. See, she never told her husband about the ad because she didn't want to hurt his pride. That is when a little boy with a huge scar from his temple to his chin ran out. He said "Daddy, who is that man?". And the father picked him up- began to weep and said " that is our very own Angle. Santa sent him to us to bring us Christmas!". Joe went inside- found their home humble and neat. The husband went on to explain his job loss- abd told my Joe that the boy was attacked by a stray pitbull 8 weeks earlier (that was the scar). Joe shook his hand, Said merry Christmas and left.
Joe now realized that these wonderful people were truly in need. Joe drove straight to Walmart and bought $300 in Walmart gift cards and drove straight back. He knocked on the door and handed the cards to the husband. All he said was " Merry Christmas" and dried home.
Now money wasn't too great for us at that time but we were better off than the couple he helped.
It wasn't until Joe did this good deed that he felt it was Christmas.
I have a hundred more stories I could tell you just the same. But he sometimes doubts that he is a good person. I think he feels that he can always do more. He never fills that space inside him until he does good by someone - then it gets empty again.
I told him your story and how you said that it doesn't matter what you accomplish here on earth - it matters who you have helped and the bonds and time with your family - and I have to say, in that way my husband is very wealthy of the heart.
Thank you again. You have really touched my heart and helped me explain to him what a good , no Great man he is.
Please get well soon. I have not read all of your blogs but I hope you and your family are healthy, happy, and at peace.
Joe realized that this couple was genuine

anthony7 said...

Hey Veronica, That was a beautiful story. Joe sounds like a wonderful man and what should be called a man's man, someone to aspire to be more like.

Tell Joe that I wasn't exactly a choir boy myself, but that's ok, God doesn't care what one has done before, now is all that counts. There is a verse (don't know which one) that say No man is fit for Heaven having looked back at the plow. I didn't understand that until I was plowing one day and looking back to make sure my rows were straight. Sure enough they were. It wasn't until I looked back did they get crooked again.

He will see all that again at the life review and answer for it. Yes or No. But then a miracle happens and he is based on what he is now and all will be wiped away. It is like you have been perfect all your life. All the bad things we've done, Jesus takes the wrap for it, He bears the burdens. You become perfect. No guilt.

Most of the best known people and God's strongest people can not from those who were good all of their life, but those who had terrible pasts. They make the best servants of God it would seem. Then again, who makes the best example for God? Someone that has changed and now walks the narrow path and does Jesus's teachings. Life is better, and I think we are suppose to, work and care for others in their times of need, or those who haven't as much. It becomes addictive, just as bad things do, except it's a good thing.

Basically, Jesus wipes away all those bad things with His love and sacrifice, and they are no more. It's just that simple. Tell him to not sweat his past, for in Jesus it becomes white as snow. His heart is pure or he wouldn't do stuff like that. Your heart must be pure or you wouldn't allow it. If we had more like you all their would be no hunger or wars, not fighting over silly stuff. Wish we had more.

God Bless,

Anonymous said...

Hello Anthony,
greetings from Germany.
I watched the TV series "I survived beyond and Back" the past weekend. (Germans are not the fastest getting new TV shows).
After listening to the way you talked and also what you said I was very impressed by you and you wife. I truly hope and pray you remain in good health and "stay" around for a long time.
All the very best wishes from Germany.
A. Edwards

anthony7 said...

Hello A. Edwards, Thank you for the compliment and the prayers. My wife's the smarter of the two of us. I can't take any credit for my words though. I give that credit to God, and we had a good film team that was there. Absolutely great. They made us both comfortable and was open to us telling our story in our own words.

Anonymous said...

Hello Anthony. I saw your life/death expierence last night and I can't tell your how it has opened my eyes to life as it is ... Right now. May God continue to be by your side and bless you and your family. You are helping so many people just by sharing your story

Anonymous said...

Dear Anthony

I know about meeting God and it's amazing to do that, I know what you talk about and your story alone will help a lot of people, so you had to get back here to tell it...

I hope you would write to me because i'm writing on a book and i want to talk with you about it..

You can write me on lotte.aagaard@mac.com

Best Lotte

anthony7 said...

Anonymous 1, thank you and God bless. I hope this helps people, it certainly saved me.

Lotte, I'm sending you an email tonight.

Anonymous said...

What a story! You are blessed!